130+ Organisations
added the challenge to their yearly wellbeing program
40,000+ Participants
have already participated and completed the challenge
1 Million+ Sessions
of exercise have been completed by prior challenge participants
The 15 minute challenge was a great way to build healthy habits. Since starting the challenge I have now bought a treadmill and have set a goal of 10k steps a day! The challenge was also a great way for our team to get together each morning and connect.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company

Top reasons why your workplace will love the challenge

Implement an effective tool for minimising psychosocial risk in your workplace

Proactively improve mental health of staff and reduce the risk of major anxiety and depression
Teach your staff simple healthy ways to deal with stress to help them to avoid unhealthy coping behaviours
Ensure you have a preventative stress management tool in place to reduce the likelihood of psychological injuries

Enjoy excellent participation rates with 20-40% of the workforce taking part in the program

Avoid wasting your time and resources, ensure that staff will actually engage and enjoy using the provided tools to improve their health

Ensure that the program is beginner friendly and does not just appeal/reward staff who are already into fitness

Gain comprehensive support from our team to effectively communicate the program to your staff across all locations

Build healthy habits into your culture with 80% of participants on average completing the full 6-week program

Make sure that a long-term habit is established with the majority of participants being active throughout the whole program

7 out of 10 participants report that they build better relationships with their colleagues throughout the challenge

More than 5 out of 10 participants will see an improvement in work productivity throughout the 6-week program from higher levels of energy

Have real positive measurable impact on staff’s mental state, sleep, energy, and overall health

9 out of 10 participants will achieve the World Health Organisation’s recommended levels of exercise (150 minutes per week)

8 out of 10 participants will see an improvement in their overall health after the completion of the program including improvements in mood, sleep and energy

The increase in mood will result in a reduction of days when people report feeling stressed by 43%

Leverage our team and software to get more done in less time

Help leadership easily justify the wellbeing initiative in terms of cost-benefit leveraging our strong economic business case

Help leaders understand the correlation between wellbeing and performance by sharing our evidence-based practices and literature review

Secure more budget (resourcing) easier so programs and impact can be scaled in your organisation

An effective tool to scale your impact with minimum admin time

Interactive social post page
Comprehensive video exercise library
Coordinator view and challenge reporting
Individual team and company leaderboards

Talk with our team to see if the program may be beneficial for your organisation

Click "Get A Price" to take the questionnaire and our team will be able to see how best we can help you


Join the challenge today and get instant access

6-Week 15 minute challenge online platform

Individual, team tracking & leaderboards

Social Post Page

Video Exercise Library

Amazing prizes for individuals and teams

Join Now
We guarantee that our team is committed to your success. Email us any time at team@15minchallenge.com.au or get in touch over Live Chat and we will help you answer any questions you may have throughout the challenge.

Questions & Answers

Some frequently asked questions that might be helpful

1. What benefits does your program provide?

Our program is designed to boost mental and physical health quickly and effectively. You'll see your team getting fitter, feeling more energetic, and working better together. It’s not just about health – it’s about fostering a supportive and engaged community that thrives together. Please check out our case studies to review the program outcomes in detail.

2. Why is this new approach more effective than other options?

We leverage our unique Flow Framework which is a carefully crafted methodology designed to enhance workplace wellness and employee engagement through a series of structured, yet adaptable elements. Central to this framework is the concept of 'flow' - a state where individuals are fully immersed and energised by their activities. We also provide a complete end-to-end solution, helping you with all aspects of running the program without any missing pieces.

3. What participants need to do to win the challenge?

Participants simply be active for just 15 Minutes a Day for it to count as an "Active Day". Motivate your team to be as consistent as possible with their exercises. Exercise for as many days as possible during the 6-week challenge. The team that exercises the most "Active Days" for at least 15 minutes per day wins the challenge.

4. Why is looking into this so important now?

The world's moving fast and so is the stress that comes with it. Being proactive in supporting your colleagues and investing in your team’s health is the smartest choice – both for their benefit and the organisation's improved performance.

5. What if employees are resistant or skeptical about participating in new wellness program?

Change can be hard, but we’ve got a great plan. We work with you to create a winning promotional strategy that motivates and that really speaks to your team's desires and needs, making them excited to take part.

6. How can you cater to the individual health and wellness needs of each employee?

We understand that everyone is different, and this is why we make sure to create an equal playing field. Our program ensures that each employee can find what works best for them, whether they're a beginner or a seasoned exercise enthusiast.

7. How do you increase and maintain employee engagement in the challenge?

Engagement is key, and we keep the engagement strong by using our Flow Framework. The framework is built on five foundational pillars: Micro-Habits, Team Accountability, Positive Social Environment, Rewards & Recognition, and Proactive Re-engagement. We use these pillars to create a supportive and engaging wellness journey to deliver exceptional engagement results.

8. With my current workload, how can I find the time to effectively implement and manage new initiatives?

We know you are busy. That is why our program is turnkey, with minimal setup or management. We don't just provide an online platform, we offer ongoing end-to-end support from promotions to post-challenge support making sure everything runs smoothly without adding to your plate. We have thought of every detail to make it easy for you.

9. How can I justify the cost of additional support within our tight budget constraints?

We make sure that we provide a cost-effective solution. We assess your situation and provide a detailed business case demonstrating clear ROI. You will see that this is an investment, not a cost. Healthier employees mean fewer stressful or sick days, better productivity, and a better workplace culture.

10. How do you measure the success of the initiatives beyond just registration numbers?

Beyond just registration numbers, we look at how many people started the program, participant's baseline health scores, how many people finished the program, what was the improvement in exercise amount and health scores, as well as a lot of other detailed data.

11. How can you ensure that the program will demonstrate a tangible return on investment?

You will see the benefits in days of improved mental health in your workplace, increased productivity, improved health scores, and an unbeatable company culture that will help to attract and retain great staff.

12. How can I convince upper management to support and see the value in investing in something like this?

Please share with them our case studies and ROI numbers – organisations with healthy employees are much more productive and happy, leading to a more successful workplace.

13. What strategies do you use to ensure the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of the challenge?

We make sure we set up participants for long-term success. There is no point in an initiative if participants will go back to their old habits. After the 6-week challenge, we provide 12 months of post-program support that ensures that the changes are sustained.

14. Who is your team and how did the program come about?

We are a group of health and behavioural experts who saw a need for a new solution in corporate wellness. Our experience comes from competitive sports and incorporating our learning into corporate wellbeing strategy. We created an innovative program and methodology that's both science-based and seriously fun and engaging.

15. Do you only work in Australia or Worldwide?

We're proudly Australian but our program has a global impact. We’ve helped teams around the world to get healthier and happier.

16. What is the investment for the program?

Let's chat about your specific needs and we can tailor a package that fits your budget and delivers maximum value.